Free global trademark search by text or image. Perform a trademark search by text or image in brand data from multiple national and international sources, including trademarks, appellations of origin and official emblems. Searching is not as simple as it sounds. It requires skill and persistence as merely searching for an identical mark is not sufficient. Enable Javascript for Better Performance.
Before filing a trade mark application, you can carry out a search to find out to the fullest extent possible, if your proposed trade mark does not infringe earlier rights. If your mark includes a design element, you must search using a design code. The USPTO assigns all marks containing design figurative elements a 6-digit numerical code(s) for searching purposes. Refresh Verification Code. Check the availability of your idea for a trade mark name.
Find out the goods and services protected by your competitors’ trade marks. Receive updates on selected trade marks for: Change of status, change of name and end of opposition period. Before you apply for a trademark, you should familiarize yourself with the basics. Determine if you need a trademark or another form of Intellectual Property protection. Applying for a trademark requires a full understanding of the application process.
This fact and the sovereignty states have over the creation of chartered business entities and trade names, makes a trademark search imperative before one spends time and money registered a trademark. Once you verify a mark’s uniqueness through a search, consider the strength or weakness of your trademark design. EUIPO is the European Union Intellectual Property Office responsible for managing the EU trade mark and the registered Community design.
We also work with the IP offices of the EU Member States and international partners to offer a similar registration experience for trade marks and designs across Europe and the world. Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. ASEAN TMview offers free of charge online access to information on trademark registrations and trademark applications having effects in the participating ASEAN countries. The main function of the Registry is to register trade marks which qualifies for registration under the Act and Rules.

Logged in users can also search for specific cases for which they wish to maintain. To narrow down your , use smart search and the query expansion function or search within. Use the Sort feature to reorder your.
Refer to Help for difficult patent terms. Prior to applying to register a trade mark , it may be worthwhile to carry out a search to ascertain whether or not an identical or similar mark has already been registered or is the subject of a pending application. The service also allows you to search on applicant’s name, application or registration number in a specific class of goods or services. Contents provided by CGPDTM, Designed and Hosted by National Informatics Centre.
If you want to distinguish your goods, services (or both) from those of another business, you may need a trade mark. Find out what trade marks are and what’s involved in the application and management process. The WIPO Lex database is a comprehensive search tool that allows you to search international treaties and national laws on intellectual property. Trade Marks Registry India.
Standing Committee (SCT). Madrid system for the international registration of trademarks provides a single procedure for the registration of a mark in several territories. Conference: Book your place until September. An initiative of the European Commission. A trade mark and brand clearance search will assist a business to ensure its brand is available for trade mark registration and that it does not infringe the intellectual property rights of another entity.

Even If your idea is available in Irelan there are rights abroad that block your idea. To be sure search the rights that apply outside Ireland. All graphical representations of a sign can, in principle, be a trade mark within the meaning of the law such as words, combinations of letters, numbers, graphic images, three-dimensional forms, slogans, combinations of. The ability to sell or assign the trade mark to another person or business, or license its use to other parties.
The Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) is an innovation agency that uses our IP expertise and networks to drive Singapore’s future growth. As a government agency under the Ministry of Law, we are focused on building Singapore where innovative enterprises use IP and intangible assets to grow.
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