English Route kitabının 1. NET Section, CDI, EDB, HKSAR Worksheet 2. Highlight the details about the old man’s physical appearance. The old man was slumped close to his plate, shovelling the rice in clumsily with his shaking hands. Which of the following people could they be used to describe? COLORFUL ACTIVITY ABOUT OPPOSITE ADJECTIVES FOR KIDS ! The exercises are categorized in different topics and levels. Talking about physical appearance.
This feature is not available right now. Learn to speak about your character and personality , a lot of useful words, mostly adjectives. The words and phrases are given in opposition, for example: hardworking - lazy, intelligent.
You have a maximum of minutes to draw the picture! A collection of ESL, EFL downloadable, printable worksheets, practice exercises and activities to teach about physical , description, physical description. Describe the person in your picture. She has got dark, straight, long hair and green eyes.
He has got blonde, short, curly hair and blue eyes. This is key vocabulary to describe physical. How to describe people - Appearances. On this page you will practise some of the vocabulary to describe different types of physical appearance. This worksheet is about physical appearance and personality traits in general.
There are also exercises about DEGREES OF COMPARISON (Comparative of superiority, equality, inequality, superlative). It is based on NEW GIRL, SEASON EPISODE 2. I really hope your students like it. Why appearances are important. In today’s society, looks and appearance are becoming increasingly important.
We now know that our physical appearance can afford us advantages or disadvantages in society. A worksheet to practise adjectives and words used to describe appearance and personality. It contains a matching activity with pictures, fill-in-gaps exercise and matching the opposite adjectives.
First impressionsare always important. Play this game to practise putting the words in the correct order. Personality Exercise Match the adjectives with the pictures.

Online İngilizce testleri 7. Check your score and speed at the end of the game. Finally, pairs present their dialogues. Adjectives describing appearance and personality 1. APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY 2. Parts of the Body FACE HAIR NOSE LIPS EYE EAR 3. Choose the correct alternative.
You can describe people around you by using the physical appearance list below. To ask about appearance : What do you look like? The study of personality focuses on two broad areas: One is understanding individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability. The other is understanding how the various parts of a person come together as a whole. Eğer sitemizden faydalanan bir İngilizce öğretmeni iseniz lütfen siz de kendi hazırladığınız yazılı sorularını, çalışma kağıtlarını, slaytları, kelime listelerini, etkinlikleri döküman yükle sayfasından paylaşınız.
In this ESL lesson you will learn how to describe people and their physical characteristics. Whether you want to describe someone you just met to a friend or alert the police about a crime suspect, it’s important to cover key physical details and unique characteristics systematically. Here are the pictures and texts used on the screen in class if you want to revise. Many factors play a role, so consider these guidelines for choosing the best workout. During the IELTS Speaking exam you may want to talk about what people look like.
This might involve describing their physical appearance or the type of clothes they like to wear.
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