Kişiye özel biyografi, essay, sunum ve şehir tanıtımları sadece burada. The city is spread over an area of 7. Istanbul became the biggest and the most crowded city of Europe. Because, ıts location between Asia and Europe, the. Coğrafyası: İstanbul 41° K, 29° D koordinatlarında yer alır.

Avrupa ile Asya kıtaları arasında köprü görevi gören, bunların birbirine en çok yaklaştığı iki uç üzerinde kurulmuş bir şehirdir. ISTANBUL İstanbul is very important place in the world. University hosts the one who yapmaktadır.
Beyazıt Mosque is the place frequented by tourists. One of the most popular places this district is the Freedom Square. By far the largest city in Turkey, and its chief port and centre of trade, is Istanbul , formerly known as Constantinople. It is beautiful as well as important, for it lies on the shores of the Bosporus, which divides Europe from Asia, and southwards it looks on the inland Sea of Marmara.
NGİLİZCE ISTANBULUN TARİHİ TANITIMI ÖDEVİ İstanbul is very important place in the world. Goldene Horn, der Bosphorus, schlanke Minarette und unzahlige Kuppeln sind die Symbole von Istanbul. Der Bosphorus, eine wasserstrasse, trennt die Europa und Asien und verbindet das Schwarze Meer mit dem Marmarameer.
Istanbul presentation İstanbul is very important place in the world.